amazing corporate wellness programs

4 Amazing Corporate Wellness Programs You’ll Wish You Had


What’s the best employee wellness program you’ve ever benefited from? If it was just a rusty old exercise bike in the warehouse, you’re going to be very jealous of the incredible programs these four companies provide to their employees.

Wellness programs have come a long way in recent years, as executives have begun realizing that wellness programs generate real value, in addition to making workers fit and happy. Many job seekers are paying greater attention to this class of benefits, which can range from nonexistent to, well, unbelievably awesome. Just take a look at these model examples, and consider how you might implement the ideas at your business.

Here are four corporate wellness programs that your employees would love to participate in.

1. Google

Google has become synonymous with a kind of quirky, unconventional Silicon Valley approach to company culture and the work/life balance. However, working for Google isn’t about silly clichés like riding an electric scooter around the office, or “Bring Your Dog To Work Day”. The wellness benefits they provide their employees are pretty amazing.

For starters, you don’t have to leave the office to get health care. The services employees can access on-site at Google headquarters includes physician visits, chiropractors, physical therapy, and massage. There’s also a company gym with fitness classes and workout machines, free bicycle rentals, and adult education courses for both professional (coding, public speaking) and personal (cooking, music lessons) development.

Wait, there’s more! Google’s cafeterias provide meals and snacks in an environment engineered to encourage good eating habits. For example, the dishes are designed to fit healthy portion sizes, and are colour-coded to communicate nutritional information.

With all these free benefits, Google workers probably have a bit of additional disposable income to play with. Lucky for them, Google also offers free financial advisors and planning services, so they can make smart investments with that extra cash.

2. Lululemon

The popular athletic apparel manufacturer walks the walk when it comes to encouraging the lifestyle their clothes and accessories bring to mind. Employees at the lululemon corporate headquarters can start their day by “sweating together” in a yoga class at the on-site gym, before tackling the workday with an invigorated body and a clear mind.

Employees also get generous discounts on lululemon gear, along with a stipend—a “sweaty pursuits allowance”—that they can spend on other health products or fitness classes, encouraging them to “sweat in the community.” Lululemon also maintains a focus on the mental and emotional health of its workers, offering training in a variety of personal development skills.

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As a provider of software solutions for the wellness industry, MINDBODY sets a pretty high bar for itself when it comes to offering a comprehensive employee wellness program. Most of the people who work there report that MINDBODY is doing a great job of it.

Here’s a few of the wellness benefits that MINDBODY employees enjoy:

  • 15+ on-site wellness classes every week

  • 3 on-site massage therapists

  • On-site acupuncture

  • Cafeteria with 25+ healthy menu options

  • $65 in “wellness vouchers” every month

In addition, MINDBODY organizes a monthly outdoor activity or sport for its employees to participate in, such as yoga or dodgeball.

4. Asana

You won’t get fired for sleeping on the job at this software company—at least, not if you do it in one of their designated nap rooms. Recognizing that many workers sacrifice quality rest while pushing themselves to work more hours and become more accomplished, Asana makes time and space for its employees to sleep and revitalize themselves.

For employees who aren’t busy sleeping (or working), Asana offers daily yoga programs, free gym memberships, and three meals a day sourced from local organic farms. They also offer a plethora of workshops, mentoring programs, and skill-building classes to help their employees enjoy a healthy and fulfilling career.

Conclusion: What’s the ROI on Wellness?

For some companies, a generous wellness program is something offered because they believe it’s the right thing the right thing to do for their employees—not because they think it’s going to directly boost their bottom line. But many companies believe that wellness programs are a good value for the company, even if they have a hard time directly measuring the return on investment.

As a simple experiment, companies can track the total health claims submitted by employees who do not participate in wellness programs against those who do. Over time, employees who are empowered to make healthy improvements to their lifestyle incur less insurance costs.

That’s not the only metric to consider, though. It’s harder to measure the indirect effects of wellness programs, but when wellness programs contribute to positive outlooks and attitudes, they lead to increased productivity. That can add up to far greater value than just cutting down your health care costs.

Healthy employees Healthy employees mean a healthy company, and if you’re looking for ideas for a wellness program of your own, these four industry leaders have provided some excellent examples to follow.

What’s the best employee wellness program you’ve ever benefited from? If it was just a rusty old exercise bike in the warehouse, you’re going to be very jealous of the incredible programs these four companies provide to their employees.


Wellness programs have come a long way in recent years, as executives have begun realizing that wellness programs generate real value, in addition to making workers fit and happy. Many job seekers are paying greater attention to this class of benefits, which can range from nonexistent to, well, unbelievably awesome. Just take a look at these model examples, and consider how you might implement the ideas at your business.


Here are four corporate wellness programs that your employees would love to participate in.


1. Google


Google has become synonymous with a kind of quirky, unconventional Silicon Valley approach to company culture and the work/life balance. However, working for Google isn’t about silly clichés like riding an electric scooter around the office, or “Bring Your Dog To Work Day”. The wellness benefits they provide their employees are pretty amazing.


For starters, you don’t have to leave the office to get health care. The services employees can access on-site at Google headquarters includes physician visits, chiropractors, physical therapy, and massage. There’s also a company gym with fitness classes and workout machines, free bicycle rentals, and adult education courses for both professional (coding, public speaking) and personal (cooking, music lessons) development.


Wait, there’s more! Google’s cafeterias provide meals and snacks in an environment engineered to encourage good eating habits. For example, the dishes are designed to fit healthy portion sizes, and are colour-coded to communicate nutritional information.


With all these free benefits, Google workers probably have a bit of additional disposable income to play with. Lucky for them, Google also offers free financial advisors and planning services, so they can make smart investments with that extra cash.


2. Lululemon


The popular athletic apparel manufacturer walks the walk when it comes to encouraging the lifestyle their clothes and accessories bring to mind. Employees at the lululemon corporate headquarters can start their day by “sweating together” in a yoga class at the on-site gym, before tackling the workday with an invigorated body and a clear mind.


Employees also get generous discounts on lululemon gear, along with a stipend—a “sweaty pursuits allowance”—that they can spend on other health products or fitness classes, encouraging them to “sweat in the community.” Lululemon also maintains a focus on the mental and emotional health of its workers, offering training in a variety of personal development skills.



As a provider of software solutions for the wellness industry, MINDBODY sets a pretty high bar for itself when it comes to offering a comprehensive employee wellness program. Most of the people who work there report that MINDBODY is doing a great job of it.


Here’s a few of the wellness benefits that MINDBODY employees enjoy:

  • 15+ on-site wellness classes every week

  • 3 on-site massage therapists

  • On-site acupuncture

  • Cafeteria with 25+ healthy menu options

  • $65 in “wellness vouchers” every month

In addition, MINDBODY organizes a monthly outdoor activity or sport for its employees to participate in, such as yoga or dodgeball.


4. Asana


You won’t get fired for sleeping on the job at this software company—at least, not if you do it in one of their designated nap rooms. Recognizing that many workers sacrifice quality rest while pushing themselves to work more hours and become more accomplished, Asana makes time and space for its employees to sleep and revitalize themselves.


For employees who aren’t busy sleeping (or working), Asana offers daily yoga programs, free gym memberships, and three meals a day sourced from local organic farms. They also offer a plethora of workshops, mentoring programs, and skill-building classes to help their employees enjoy a healthy and fulfilling career.


Conclusion: What’s the ROI on Wellness?


For some companies, a generous wellness program is something offered because they believe it’s the right thing the right thing to do for their employees—not because they think it’s going to directly boost their bottom line. But many companies believe that wellness programs are a good value for the company, even if they have a hard time directly measuring the return on investment.


As a simple experiment, companies can track the total health claims submitted by employees who do not participate in wellness programs against those who do. Over time, employees who are empowered to make healthy improvements to their lifestyle incur less insurance costs.


That’s not the only metric to consider, though. It’s harder to measure the indirect effects of wellness programs, but when wellness programs contribute to positive outlooks and attitudes, they lead to increased productivity. That can add up to far greater value than just cutting down your health care costs.


Healthy employees Healthy employees mean a healthy company, and if you’re looking for ideas for a wellness program of your own, these four industry leaders have provided some excellent examples to follow.

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